
I consider every human being my family... as hippy-esque as this might sound. At 31 years old, you can't change who you are. Putting this aside, we're still born into a particular circle. This time around my circle contains a Sicilian/Polish mother whose grandparents are literally straight off the boat and a German/Pommy dad whose family is a bit more of a mystery... but it's safe to say, we're generic Yanks... a European mix with interesting...

Five, six, pick up sticks

In order for me to earn my keep Mom said I had to pick up sticks... so yesterday was a day of stick picking, trying to un-jetlag myself, and chipmunk stalking. After that was all said and done, believe it or not... I was writing!! What a way to spend an afternoon! All  the while I thought to myself, surely this is the way it's gotta go down? I mean... it feels natural. Every day passing makes me a bit nervous because it's one day closer to...
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