my graveyard thing

I have this thing about graveyards. Until I was about sixteen I just assumed everyone liked hanging out in cemeteries.When I first got my license the one thing more exciting than New York City being 75 miles away was the whole new range of graveyards to visit, wander around, write in, take photos at, etc... I'd even go to the extent of saying I find cemeteries peaceful - especially ridiculously old ones. Australia was colonized in 1788... the...

lots of people want to be writers

This morning as I settled into the hunched-over-laptop pose that I form seven or eight hours a day, Mom says 'Gretchen, lots of people want to be writers. Too many people, that's why only some people actually get to do it.' Maybe that's true... but I'd like to hear about how hard people are willing to bust their ass to make it happen. And let's face it, it isn't really the sort of thing with a million doors open and employers saying, 'Creative...
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