let’s talk about australia

Australia is far. Considering where I'm from, it's literally one of the furthest places you can travel. The first thing people ask me about when I tell them I live in Australia is the flight, and there's no sugar coating this people... it sucks. I've flown an array of routes, via LA via Tahiti via South Korea etc. It's insanely long and airlines rip you off in ways you can't imagine. This is where you need to consider what you'll find there......

perhaps i’m a poet

In between tangents, playtime, and the occasional nervous breakdown... I'm trying to figure out what my deal is as a Writer. I'm busting out the novel but as I'm editing it at the moment... I'm asking myself if it's where my energy should be going, 'book writing'. I'm enjoying it, however as my broken record chant declares... I enjoy every kind of creative writing (and the occasional technical stint here and there). Truthfully, poetry has to be...
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