graveyard train… brunswick alley… history

This is what happens in Brunswick alleyways. Wait wait... let me say that this is the very first time I've posted twice in one day (not because of international time zones). Yo. Good songs get played on repeat until you get bored of them. Great songs you might actually pay to see live. The illest, filthiest, hottest tracks have you ripping off your sweaty clothes, or someone else's if you're lucky. 3:14 - 4:14 (for real...) Although I heard this...

east coast australia. go to this show.

It may sound ironic for me to say this as a Writer, however I truly believe that the best things in life extend beyond language. Music remains one of my greatest inspirations. Brilliant music takes me to a place past words. It sends tones into the pit of my stomach that somehow stir me and make me want to express that feeling that is simply inexplicable. I've lived in Australia for eight years. I've seen a lot of bands. I've heard about...
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