French Stilletos

I’ve never made coffee in platform stilettos before. The French Connection pair I’m wearing are black velvet with pale pink bottoms. I stand close to six feet with them on. My legs are lean and long like the trunk of a young, growing tree. Oh, and speaking of French… There’s a French painter in my bed. Since I live in a studio apartment, in a midtown east luxury building - the bed isn’t too far from the kitchen, where I’m preparing...

And then I fell in love

Namaste blog tribe I've been fucking with this blah-g for six and a half years now. That's a hot minute. When I started it, I was at the end of a nine year marriage what was one of the saddest, most neglectful relationships I've ever endured. Then I left Australia after about a decade, and came back to a city I had to escape from a very long time ago for reasons outside of these parts.  And she saved me, Manhattan picked me up, brushed me off...
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