too good for you

I grieved a bit today. I was a little sad, eventually less sad. Then, I stopped caring. I've been listening to "Too Good" by Drake all day on repeat. I'd post it, but there's some bullshit copyrights that don't let me clip a video yet... Nothing irks me like a greedy "Artist". Here's my favorite line: "Last night, I came to a realization. And I hope you can take it. I'm too good to you, I'm way to good to you. You take my love for granted, I...

curb kicking

I tried. Like, I feel like I tried more than I have in a few years. Dating is toxic. It's the worst thing in the world. And while the stories and poems I get from somewhat captivating encounters is usually alright - I tend to walk away with the whole, "What the fuck was I thinking?" vibe. That's essentially what I have today. My Brooklyn boy has officially been filed away with the rest. When it comes to my box of has-beens, there's nothing...
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