dissotterrare zelo

dissotterrare zelo era come Guardò fuori per me. e noi innamorarsi prima che qualcuno avuto la possibilità a lampeggiare. sognare ... prima non avrei mai potuto essere qualcosa Che si adatta un certo forma; H e I formata insieme. E i miei occhi ha aperto. le mie labbra disse. Niente. unearth zeal it was like he looked out for me. and we fell in love before anyone had a chance to blink. to dream… prior to i could never be something that fits...

hold your heart

Namaste blah-g tribe Yesterday was one of the best days of my life. I don't really say that often, good days, maybe - best days? Not so much. My best day involved a 24-hour stint with the apparent love of my life; wandering around Manhattan, feeding each other dark chocolate, watching hours pass from park benches and swapping secrets in international ways. My favorite part of the day was in my midtown abode, roped in braids of sweat, being...
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