when your mouth is

Super shut. Observations inside silence are always the loudest to me. One of my favourite people who hails from the South Island of New Zealand spent a few days in my beach hut recently. We guzzled gin drinks and played hair colour games with another favourite who dwells down Byron way. We dipped carrot sticks in garlic dips and swapped secrets and silliness. The colours of my life are violet and gold. They remain that way. Seven years back two...

my inter-web beef

Namaste blog tribe Now that I've been peeking in here and there back in webpage world, I've been having many conversations with my five friends about what to do here; where I've been; where I'd like this all to go. I've learned something significant with regard to my silence and general direction I set for sharing my art online, there is a particular group - a big one - I simply can't stomach. I slightly nodded toward it in my Jeffree mention,...
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