sit still. slave on.

Continuing on with two jobs, webpage maintenance, puppy entertaining and book writing isn’t as easy as it looks. Fortunately I have all of you checking in to keep me on with it. Between the cult and the puppies, most stress is alleviated. I think my last nervous breakdown was significant enough to keep me steadily drifting for a brief period.

I do, however, miss New York City every day. Even when it’s bucketed in snow… and I’m totally not a winter fan. Unlike my snow angel snowboarding sister who prays for snow every year. From what I hear of what’s been happening back in Connecticut, she got her wish this year. I was on the telephone with my mother the other day and she told me that it was actually warmer in Alaska than it was at their house.

I laughed my ass off over that…

So put short I shall persevere. Pretty soon I might have five dollars stashed away. As much as I hate crapping on about anything political, the fact that the economy in the States is fucked is wreaking havoc on my job finding over there. And landing a job in Manhattan from Australia isn’t actually that easy.

Although I do have two applications out…

I need to focus on sitting still. Working, writing, ranting… all of those things that fill my days. I’m not going to think about how much I miss my family and NYC tribal clan. I’m going to be very grown up and keep slaving every day.

I figure in a “worse case” scenario… I’ll just have to take a month long holiday overseas down the line… We all know how much I enjoy those.

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