#occupy update

Since my early visits to Occupy Wall Street, I (along with millions of others) have been watching events unravel around the world. On Saturday I took the six to City Hall to check out what’s going down.

I left feeling somewhat ambivalent about Zucotti Park, but ever as gleeful about humans collecting to identify corruption.I am also in agreement that it’s un-fun coping with daily impacts of global criminality.

Needless to say, as a media dork who spent my childhood climbing trees opposed to face-booking, I am furthermore infinitely astonished by the rapid exchange of information around this planet.

I digress.

My feeling about the Occupy Movement is, right on. Let’s change things. However, my heart weighs heavy that the change necessary is not one of governments or financial institutions. It is one of human creatures. Many of you have heard my tangents over human behaviors.

Walking through the tents in Zucotti Park made me a bit sad. It seemed like a spectacle, tourists posing next to signs instead of holding one. This doesn’t mean I do not support the movement. It’s simply a current observation that will change, along with progression. I’m pretty sure that’s part of what it’s all about.

Never the less, there is always power in numbers. And as Occupy numbers increase, as does ambition to improve hostile worldly conditions completely caused by Human Beings.

All day. All week.

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