around. it’s hard. opera.

img_6523I was speaking with one of my favorite people yesterday who commented how I haven’t been around.

Truth be told, the luthier fucked up my game for a hot second. So yeah, she’s right. I haven’t really been around. I’ve been out and about – all over the place.

My heart has been kicked around at this point to a degree where getting over another break-up has taken on a new tone. I used to try to think of what could be done differently, or how to fix things.

All I know is that a month ago I was in Italy with another love of my life who is now in the pile of people I used to know.

Anyways, these days, breaking up has a new meaning to me. Maybe because I’m 24-months img_6728from pushing 40.

To help me get over my latest tragedy, I attended a double-bill on Tuesday, Aleko and Pagliacci. Two love stories resulting in death and madness – the only ways love ever truly ends, to a Poet like me anyways.

I cried twice, I felt a little bit better after. And while I continue to grieve my most current heartbreak – a light at the tunnel is subtly glowing.

Tonight I’m going to little Italy … pretty soon I’ll forget his name.


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