Australia Day & are you sure about this

HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY! Although the festivities have concluded on official Oz time, we’re just setting off in my current hemisphere of residence. Aussie Aussie Aussie!!! It’s too cold for a barbeque, but I will still fry up a vegetarian sausage for lunch out of respect. Some Aussies might say a vegetarian sausage is very un-Australian of me… but what can I say? … I’m progressive.

Speaking of un-Australian, I read an article yesterday posted on the ABC page (Australian Broadcast Corporation) about how it’s supposedly  ‘un-Australian’ to throw a sickie on Monday in order to score a four day weekend since the public holiday fell on Tuesday. Then they went on to whinge about how all the people calling in were going to cost the economy over $200 million… of course they made no mention of where that figure comes from.

Since I am a citizen of Australia, and it’s Australia Day in my part of the world, I feel it is my duty to refute this statement. On the contrary, it is very un-Australian for the government to not throw in an extra public holiday on the Monday … there is nothing more Australian than taking time off to hang out with your mates somewhere along the coast. So in case anyone happened to come across the article I was reading who hasn’t been to Australia, I just wanted to take this opportunity to say that the writers and people that were quoted in the correspondence are VERY un-Australian. And to the rest of my Aussie tribe checking in… OI OI OI!!! See you in ten days!

In terms of me leaving, there’s a solemn vibe creeping in that I’m battling daily. There’s a bit of glass walking by all considering that I literally packed a suitcase, jumped on a plane, and came back for four months with basically zero notice.

I have a history of doing this. When I was 21, I packed a suitcase in the middle of the night and moved to New York City. I don’t believe in ‘goodbyes’ and if I’m ever in a situation that seems to require one… I sort of panic.

I’ve been telling everyone to rest assured… although half of my life is here, the other half is down under… and it’s a pretty important half…

absorbing implicit observations

Depurative love, you embody fire.
A heated touch and incense aroma.
Red glowing shadows reflect my desire.
Awaken me from self-induced coma.
Your absence, what my body will reject;
Like not taking to a second-hand heart
with nothing left but my tears to collect.
Arrival at end with never a start.
Accept my words as psycholinguistics.
Learn my performance of each syllable.
Discern lyrical characteristics;
How your existence sets them off double!
To say ‘you inspire’ simply understates
the drum of my pulse. The art it creates.

2 thoughts on “Australia Day & are you sure about this

  1. An interesting perspective, and one I relate to so well. My life has become a mix of longing for two places I love so completely, although differently.

    My life (aka family) is in sydney, but my heart is always in New York. Funny how I rarely miss Sydney as much as New York, but then only in New York am I completely myself.

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