one more allen stone

I'm really trying to move on blog family, I swear. I've even been noveling in between Allen Stone posts. However, coffee just came out of my nose reading a Billboard piece revealing that Allen Stone's first festival show was actually out in LA, right before I saw him in Central Park on Tuesday. "So wait?" I told myself. "The hottest, realest soul voice in this country, and one of the best on Earth I boldy declare - has only played like, one...

allen stone. million. two times.

I've been all on about Allen Stone lately, but you know how I get. Obsessive. All morning there was a tune in my head. It was not from the Jon Butler Trio tracks I was swaying to. It was Allen Stone, but what was the hook? I think I remember a few words... it's only the first time I ever heard it, after all. I kicked my heels coming across Million shortly after a brief interweb session. The last time I double posted in a day obsessing over a...

it was amazing

Jon Bulter Trio and Allen Stone were UNREAL! I woke up this morning proudly sporting my Allen Stone tshirt and immediately put on my new, SIGNED John Bulter Trio album. I'm stuck on track four... Bullet Girl. Both acts last night rocked my world. My companion and I shouldered our way to the front and proudly, wildly, danced, hollared, clapped and shimmied our faces off. There was a small group of Aussies to my left there representing. I felt...

allen stone and jon butler trio. summer stage.

Allen Stone and Jon Butler Trio are playing summer stage this Tuesday and I am SO ABOUT IT! Many of the local yanks aren't quite switched on to Jon Butler Trio yet, the Aussies naturally know what's good. Also, I like writing poems to his music. I can't wait! Interestingly, I was not switched on to Allen Stone until I googled him after I bought a pair of tickets last Friday. Holy shit am I glad I did that! And now you know too!! You're welcome!!...

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