Next week I'm off to Spain, a week after that I'm driving across the country with one of my favorite boys and the puppies, from Los Angeles - it's back to Australia. Goodness me... goodness me... Excitement isn't quite the word to grip all of the happenings around me, fulfillment is better. Not only have I been rocking the shit out of New York City for six and a half years, I'm finding my way home in the exact timeframe I said I would. I have...
Tonight, and this weekend in general, I've been like (af)... My sincere apologies for officially becoming the whack blah-ger who isn't here on the daily. It's not that my thoughts and energy aren't excited about rounding out the whole Australia to Manhattan back to Australia circle, girl - it just takes a lot of bloody work. Fortunately, as a light working species on this planet... I totally got this. I spent the St Paddy's holiday weekend...
Throughout the years I've been ranting words in the realm of FollowMeToNYC, Artist and Style have been two significant themes. When I tell people I'm a Writer, it depends on the circumstance as to what type of writing we talk about. From what's happening on Wall Street to whatever grit spilt from my pen that day. As a Writer, I'm always keen to talk about words and expression - what I'm working on or might have read. As an Artist, I've learned,...