this is paris. a review.

While writing my last 'words I don't like' post which specifically targets the words 'content' and 'influencer', I was simultaneously playing Paris Hilton's new documentary in the background. Because as an Artist, there's nothing I appreciate better than a proper contradiction. I don't really know anything about Paris Hilton. She falls into the media abyss where my ordinary reaction is to turn my head and plug my ears... as I've been discussing...

words i don’t like

Being the language lover I am, there are two words I don't like. 'Content' and 'influencer'. I don't like the word content because it takes the essence out of the word writing. It sounds like something to be merely consumed rather than cherished and considered, something forced instead of something thoughtful. Content takes away from my personal definition of writing which is based on create. The reason I don't like the word influencer is very...

art therapy

Namste blahg tribe One of the greatest achievements I've reached and continue to reach as a Writer is inspiring other people to extract the same benefits that I do through word weaving. Aside from having built an international career based on my love of language; I've hosted and been a member of writing groups which connected me with some of the best wordsmiths I've met and gave me the incredible opportunity to encourage and guide others to...

meanwhile… on my birthday…

So getting back to daily feelings / life / facts feels... ... exciting Last night I drank tequila beers at Eddie's Grub House. We took a break to wander across the street and watch the sun dip from the surf club. I've been back now for about 27 months. As the ocean ate the light goodnight, new friends taught me about the volcanic remains we were toasting upon with some of the nicest smiles and most sincerity that I may have experienced ever. I...

today is my birthday

Namaste blahg tribe Today is my birthday. I'm super big on birthdays... A lot has gone down since I was in webpage land. I traveled up to the top end of Australia and fell madly in love. It's one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. Pity about the bloody crocs... It's now been nine months that I've been doing whatever I want every day. A job is likely looming, I'm not sure what I'm going to get back to quite yet or what way I'll spin my...
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