“i’m pretty, but i’m loco…”

Namaste love family TGIF bitches... this week has been as equally horrible as the preceding. I've been writing a lot of poetry over the past 48 hours. I wouldn't say it's helping, but at least it's distracting. I pride myself on not taking anything that matters to me lightly. The trick is picking what to take on as significant while spending time on the perplexing planet of Earth that we share. Regardless, we all make our own choices. Recently,...

preloved purpose

preloved purpose i can get used. by(e) - another. face. before i replace again with again... i get stuck and my heart is belonging to someone as he erases all i ha/d/ve. i can get used. scopo usato posso ottenere usato. addio - un altro. faccia. prima I sostituire ancora con ancora... mi si blocca e il mio cuore è l'appartenenza a qualcuno mentre cancella tutto quello che ha / d / ve. posso ottenere usato.  

sto morendo

I'm about to bleed poetry. I've had my apartment back to myself for two days since having company for three weeks; as my soul mate's family revealed health issues back in Italy, which means he's out the door. I don't think I'll ever stop crying at this point. But that's ok, eyedrops help, and at least I'm discrete. Dipping into restrooms, trying to avoid houseguests. Sto morendo. While break-ups aren't my favorite thing, I feel that this abrupt...

limping along. sperlonga. lets.

I've been limping over the luthier the past few days, and longing for Sperlonga.  The truth is, the love of my life and I didn't fall out - life simply occurred. International issues with family do nothing for new found feelings. And so it ended, abruptly and instantly. My three-week house guest who arrived essentially the day this all went down has watched me basically die over the past month. I realize everyone has their own "the most...
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