corona chronicles (2)

Today is Piggles birthday! People keep getting sick and I'm worried about my parents back in Connecticut. I'm super happy I randomly jumped a plane to Manhattan in January. The city and those souls stay on my mind. I started contemplating my next poetry collection. Volume Four will be beautiful. It's a lot of years to pack in. People in Australia are nervous and cautious; loving and wonderful; going through the motions like all of us are. I...

extra. so much.

I got divorced again last week. Lucky number three... I have made new friends who I'm helping. I may have found a third dog. Every time I get this happy... which has only happened two times before... I have k(NO)w De - - sire To say any(thing). One love. Ps:

when your mouth is

Super shut. Observations inside silence are always the loudest to me. One of my favourite people who hails from the South Island of New Zealand spent a few days in my beach hut recently. We guzzled gin drinks and played hair colour games with another favourite who dwells down Byron way. We dipped carrot sticks in garlic dips and swapped secrets and silliness. The colours of my life are violet and gold. They remain that way. Seven years back two...


I always say I'm all one way, or all the other. I did eight years in midtown Manhattan because I wanted to be in it. I needed to be around humans, I wanted the energy of the 24-hour buzz. I was heart broken and lost. I've been back in Australia just over 18 months. It's not easy doing everything alone. While I can look back on my first marriage and clearly identify why it was utterly fucked, I got really used to being with someone. I don't...

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