mind moving

My mind has been on moving over the past week and change. The lease in my midtown tower expires come July, and I'm about to be out. Usually, when it comes to leaving the states - I say, the further the better; which is partially how I ended up in Australia for ten years. My heart exploded in Sperlonga, Italy and is beating on the beach's white sand - waiting for me. Therefore, I'm putting myself on a back-to-Australia-via-Sperlonga itinerary....

“i’m pretty, but i’m loco…”

Namaste love family TGIF bitches... this week has been as equally horrible as the preceding. I've been writing a lot of poetry over the past 48 hours. I wouldn't say it's helping, but at least it's distracting. I pride myself on not taking anything that matters to me lightly. The trick is picking what to take on as significant while spending time on the perplexing planet of Earth that we share. Regardless, we all make our own choices. Recently,...

limping along. sperlonga. lets.

I've been limping over the luthier the past few days, and longing for Sperlonga.  The truth is, the love of my life and I didn't fall out - life simply occurred. International issues with family do nothing for new found feelings. And so it ended, abruptly and instantly. My three-week house guest who arrived essentially the day this all went down has watched me basically die over the past month. I realize everyone has their own "the most...

shout out shenzhen

Happy Sunday global love tribe Today I would like to send a special shoutout to Shenzhen, China. While I have not (yet) had the chance to travel to China, it has always been on the list. Particularly when I lived next door in Australia. However, all of my holidays back then involved traveling to New York City (naturally). It's always baffling to explore who on the planet we all co-habitate somehow finds my words in web land. Particularly since I...

my birthday. dust biting.

Today is another birthday. Last year, I was sailing around the south Caribbean. This year, I have a soul sister from Australia beside me. It's five in the morning, we're on our way to Central Park. Yesterday, the luthier decided he needs some space. I guess this has been unravelling since I last popped into these parts. Some things I save for poetry. But trust me, that one hurt. Yet another one bites the dust. In a few hours I'll be having...
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