back from italy. shout out japan.

Namaste blah-g family... I'm back from Italy. It was literally everything. But first - shout out Japan. These days about 100 people come around here every day to see what's going on. And a lot of the people are from Japan... x o x I retuned from Italy on Tuesday night. I cannot, and probably don't have to, attempt to express what the trip meant to me. From Veroli to Sperlonga with a quick dip to Rome... it didn't matter where I was. It was who...

Twenty hours

About 20 hours from now, my plane will take off from JFK to Berlin, and then fly from Berlin to Rome. At this point, I feel like I am essentially paralyzed with excitement. All of the packing and preparing and talking to the luthier every day has swirled me into a pile of bones that needs to be put on a plane. There's really just nothing else I'm decent at right now... In effort to defy jet lag, I'm planning to stay up all night. This way when I...

counting on my fingers

Namaste blah-g family 10 more sleeps. Now that I can officially count on my fingers, my mood has improved, drastically. Since the day we met, the luthier and I have each swished around the world for various causes. I can't say how excited I am that we will be somewhere together; which also happens to be his local stomping ground. It occurred to me yesterday that the two of us have communicated every day since we met. Regardless of continent or...

day twelve. sperlonga.

So it's 8am on Friday. Here are my top ten stats of the day, it's been a minute since a top ten. Top ten stats of Friday so far. 10. The amount of minutes it took me to get myself out of bed. 9. The number of dreams I had about the luthier last night. 8. The current time. 7. The number of texts I've swapped with the luthier so far today. 6. How many times I've said, "I wish it was Saturday." 5. How many minutes until I probably cry again. 4. How...

low key love though

Tahiti is everything I needed. Even though I had a nervous breakdown about it like 72 hours ago... Meanwhile, I have fallen madly in love with an Italian luthier. I don't even have anything to say about it. I mean, I have everything to say about it - but it's a new shade of sacred to me. Sacred, in my life, tends to involve secrets. So I probably won't talk too much about him in these parts. But put short, he builds double basses and sends me...
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