I planned on going to New York City today. Thing is, I'm knee deep in script and don't really want to leave the house until it's finished. The weekend is quick approaching with a few places I'm meant to be so I had to sacrifice my much-looked-forward-to followup gallivant with CJ to WORK... BOOOO!!! Guess that means next week mate... (shout out to CeeeJ!!) In the mean time... Top 10 Funnest things about being a dual citizen of Australia and the...
The fact that I've missed Halloween for the six years preceding 2009 was completely redeemed in a fabulous back to back weekend of dope parties. The whole Friday night to Saturday night thing (30-31st) AND the fact that daylight savings got set back adding an EXTRA HOUR onto Halloween... who could ask for more? Seriously. Last night was a Wild West themed pow wow at my sister's... since myself and the one other indigenous American in residence...
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! One of my BFFs co-hosted Halloween Party number one last night which had way too many fun things to mention. Here are some brief highlights... The artist formally known as Prince MC'ed a large part of the evening, or at least the portions when some kid with no costume (who I still only know as someone that was supposed to come with someone else, who apparently didn't show up) wasn't Sing Starring or rounding up Soul Train...
I realize no one is going to 'beat down my door' as was put to me yesterday. The main thing you deal with as a Writer is persistence, and dealing with the whole 'no money' thing. Lucky for me, ink is cheap. In all honesty, coming across more Writers of a similar mind frame would probably work me wonders. This means finding other disgruntle wordsmiths with talent and goals and a genuine interest in creating something great. Once again I've...
Americans are fact-proven the tubbiest mob on the planet. Out frolicking with my mates last weekend this was a hot topic of discussion, particularly at the movies. In addition the do-it-yourself butter machines (don't have those down under!) I couldn't believe that not only are there free soda refills, you get free POPCORN refills too. As much as I enjoy the novelty of this and the comic relief... I can't help but be grossed out by the status...