Well, another lover burned to the ground. This time, it was all over words. When you are a born Writer, and like, have never done anything but process life in characters essentially since inception - you pay attention to what people say. Especially when you're fucking them. My boyfriend said three really shitty things in less than a seven day period. And I snapped. Blog tribe that's been in my crew since this page started in 2009 know that I am...
aspiring amore I was. Thinking in poetry again. Green-blue constellation eyes. Staring. Back. I inhaled now and stopped wishing for when. I straightened my spine and felt my bones crack. A bounce in my step and new aura glow; Like there’s no longer a possible stop. And never invention of the word no. The expansion of my heart. Stomach drop. What I didn’t say came out through my pores. Sunlight showers washing my grey sky days. Opening...
I've been working two full-time jobs lately. One writing, one falling in love. And as much joy that I take in being a professional Writer... the second job is why I've been so scarce. I actually took the D train to Brooklyn for the first time the this week. Anthony and I decided this is a more practical choice from time to time opposed to an $80 return cab fare. Although, as my boyfriend puts it, "40 bucks each way to get us to each other in...
There's an ongoing joke between my people and I about my ex husband collection. How I never date, I just get married. I think the last time I had a boyfriend was in high school. So now, finally, at 37 years old - I have a boyfriend. An exceptionally hot boyfriend, in fact. My boyfriend's parents are from Italy, he has four siblings like I do and he's quite fond of the puppies. He and I have plenty of jokes about how I've been to Brooklyn more...
I'm not a brand. Shout out to anyone who is. I, am not. I never want to be categorized as anything based on what I'm doing in any given moment. There are two things I'd own up to - being spiritual and being a Writer. But I'm not trying to create a "spiritual writer" brand by any means. Part of the reason I love writing edgy shit that makes people uncomfortable is because I'm so calm on the surface. I'm also a wide-eyed romantic, which is why I...