when you love the hit

Well, another lover burned to the ground. This time, it was all over words. When you are a born Writer, and like, have never done anything but process life in characters essentially since inception - you pay attention to what people say. Especially when you're fucking them. My boyfriend said three really shitty things in less than a seven day period. And I snapped. Blog tribe that's been in my crew since this page started in 2009 know that I am...

aspiring amore

aspiring amore I was. Thinking in poetry again. Green-blue constellation eyes. Staring. Back. I inhaled now and stopped wishing for when. I straightened my spine and felt my bones crack. A bounce in my step and new aura glow; Like there’s no longer a possible stop. And never invention of the word no. The expansion of my heart. Stomach drop. What I didn’t say came out through my pores. Sunlight showers washing my grey sky days. Opening...

cause your sex takes me to paradise

I've been working two full-time jobs lately. One writing, one falling in love. And as much joy that I take in being a professional Writer... the second job is why I've been so scarce. I actually took the D train to Brooklyn for the first time the this week. Anthony and I decided this is a more practical choice from time to time opposed to an $80 return cab fare. Although, as my boyfriend puts it, "40 bucks each way to get us to each other in...

my hot boyfriend

There's an ongoing joke between my people and I about my ex husband collection. How I never date, I just get married. I think the last time I had a boyfriend was in high school. So now, finally, at 37 years old - I have a boyfriend. An exceptionally hot boyfriend, in fact. My boyfriend's parents are from Italy, he has four siblings like I do and he's quite fond of the puppies. He and I have plenty of jokes about how I've been to Brooklyn more...

keep them guessing. not a brand.

I'm not a brand. Shout out to anyone who is. I, am not. I never want to be categorized as anything based on what I'm doing in any given moment. There are two things I'd own up to - being spiritual and being a Writer. But I'm not trying to create a "spiritual writer" brand by any means. Part of the reason I love writing edgy shit that makes people uncomfortable is because I'm so calm on the surface. I'm also a wide-eyed romantic, which is why I...
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