OMFG. Blog family, it's been a minute. An epic gap in the five year strong FollowMeToNYC crusade through my wordly world. I've been in the country, Halloween came and went, I've been quiet and internal and reflective and all of those things that take you over in the times of your life that will prove to be most critical. Essentially, shit's going done. There's something that's been on my mind since April and, unlike my happy trails of rant that...
It's pushing 1am blog tribe. Allen Stone rocked my world inside out and upside down. The first time I heard his music I felt like we would meet. And then when I found out that I used to sit next to his girlfriend's brother's girl at my last job in Australia... I mean, come ON. I put on tasseled cowboy boots and my Allen Stone t-shirt earlier and clicked my heels over to Terminal 5. This is where I had the complete pleasure of meeting the fine...
tides of together i met him. another. morning after the other before another; because men? they (just) simply again and again and again. so… i looked up and he was down. do you really know what it takes being (?). he stole a piece of me. too long ago. now to recall back then. nevermind. an ocean-eyed, outerspace mind standing on the corner. looking for me. to not walk downstairs even though it is repetitive. it repeats. like the way i thrash...
Today is National Poetry Day! I actually had no clue until #NationalPoetryDay rolled through my Instagram feed. Yo. Once I saw the tag, I decided to go through some archives and put up a few tangents of mine. Let me tell you this, when you're a Poet, to go back through FIVE YEARS of poetry? It ain't easy. Essentially, I went through both of my divorces again, a few other encounters of loserville... and then some really stunning work. Pieces I'm...