Ok. Here I am. It's the new new blahg. No pressure no diamonds. I spoke with someone I love so much today. Back in Manhattan. He's the best poet I've touched. I was explaining how I hate the Internet and how social media took away the last scrants of humanity. Not that I really identify with humans. As a proud Lyrian, I don't really know WTF is going on... Anyways. He listened and loved me. Those two things are rare in my life. Everyone is so...
So getting back to daily feelings / life / facts feels... ... exciting Last night I drank tequila beers at Eddie's Grub House. We took a break to wander across the street and watch the sun dip from the surf club. I've been back now for about 27 months. As the ocean ate the light goodnight, new friends taught me about the volcanic remains we were toasting upon with some of the nicest smiles and most sincerity that I may have experienced ever. I...
I will never be a brand. A publisher or PR person will have an issue with this. And all this associates with why I've never wanted my ART to be my salary. Money is gross. The world has been built and warped in westernised ways where it takes bread to get by. I get that. That's why I worked for so long with the trust in our higher power that freedom would eventually find me and give me the capacity to help and do my greatest good. I'm swimming...
I got divorced again last week. Lucky number three... I have made new friends who I'm helping. I may have found a third dog. Every time I get this happy... which has only happened two times before... I have k(NO)w De - - sire To say any(thing). One love. Ps:
Super shut. Observations inside silence are always the loudest to me. One of my favourite people who hails from the South Island of New Zealand spent a few days in my beach hut recently. We guzzled gin drinks and played hair colour games with another favourite who dwells down Byron way. We dipped carrot sticks in garlic dips and swapped secrets and silliness. The colours of my life are violet and gold. They remain that way. Seven years back two...