There are a lot of qualities of myself that I have to wear regardless of how they lack attractive. For example, I am about as patient as a truckie running four hours behind schedule and blunter than a red potato. However, if there's one thing I'm not - it's a smack talker. I don't say things that I plan to do without doing them. While providing concrete timeframes to manifest life proves challenging, I like to think I get shit done. Best we can,...
So I'm sitting beside an open window on a blustery New York City eve. I started a new short story. Still working on it, but it starts like this: My therapist says I have separation issues. Miles and I used to run around the playground. Not too near kids. Loud ones. You know the sort. Kids on soccer teams in Subarus. Miles has three fingers on his left hand which I don’t tend to notice and I certainly never mention. I write a lot about mental...
The ice cream truck cruising Tudor City has loud ass speakers. They're so loud, that when Tim and I were making dinner - we had to close the windows, turn up Chopin and turn on the air-conditioner. We felt guilty about the air-conditioner shortly after. Anyways. Dear Ice Cream Man, I realize it is a beautiful summer night here in New York City. And ice-cream in these parts surely tastes no sweeter than on a sultry August evening. However, I do...