om jai gange mata

I decided on the solstice that I was going to get better. Click click click. I'm trying to prioritize, because I'm quite busy at the moment blog family. Novel is tearing, FollowMeToNYC is hollering at me, "Sort out your CONTENT!" Not to mention, I'm still getting used to being back in the northern hemisphere after ten years away. So the enticement of practicing my wobbly barefoot walk on cold December Earth whilst chasing packs of creatures...

like two ships passing in the night.

"In the night. In the night." My days are addictive swirls of personal and possessive. Personal is what I keep private, of course. Possessive is the excitment of conversations sounding like, "I tried to describe you... and I just couldn't." There are things for me to write / say less of - and things to settle for good measure. Truth is the only truce concept. I am bringing it in cubes, here, there - everywhere. I hope the book is circulated for...

i wrote a lot today

I even wrote a few chapters I'm quite fond of. Sigh. Then I lit my Christmas tree and danced to this while long wavy ropes of a mane awaiting winter thrashed violently from side to side: 2:08 to 2:32, for example. Shout out to Italy. Mi deve imparare a parlare italiano nel 2012, così possoscrivere poesie in lingua italiana. Back to work...

young ghetto. ill inspired.

I love me some hip hop. So when Red Cafe jumped into my head earlier - I immediately scampered over to youtube land. Which is where I came across Young Ghetto. Apparently they're from the UK, which kind of makes me like them even more. When I was in Australia, I missed hip hop culture. I love watching it grow. Shout out Young Ghetto. Your skills are inspiring. I've been listening to this all day. Clicking away. Two of my favorite phrases:...

pushed. your pleasure.

pushed. your pleasure. I once found a way To love in colors. Somehow Brighter. Then. Lampshade secrets. He switched. Something. What he did not. What no one Bothers. Looking. To reveal: I tap history. To hurt: Why couldn’t you hear me? I have this. Ability. And he said he knew. And he promised he would… Soften a strength. Set up Without stealing a soul; Yet stabs a broken heart. Devoured on a shared plate. Do you mention what you left? Stone...
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