hold your heart

Namaste blah-g tribe Yesterday was one of the best days of my life. I don't really say that often, good days, maybe - best days? Not so much. My best day involved a 24-hour stint with the apparent love of my life; wandering around Manhattan, feeding each other dark chocolate, watching hours pass from park benches and swapping secrets in international ways. My favorite part of the day was in my midtown abode, roped in braids of sweat, being...

Upright Delphic

Upright Delphic Like. I try. To be What something Wants to make Worth. Can you Ever tell me How I am supposed To be. No one knows About us. I smile When I want to scream; I nod. And everyone Else is paying Taxes and eating Meat. I am nothing Outside of fitting In. I only want To be. Out. Be- Causeā€¦ mine is Never to be Under Stood.

here i go (again)

Namaste blog tribe So I'm leaving for Australia via Tahiti in about seven hours. I'm not packed. I woke up in tears. I don't want to go, but I do want to go. I have to go. My present reluctance is stemming from a mixed bouquet of heartbreak. First of all, I haven't been back to Australia since I left my ex-husband at the airport on my way back to New York City, via Berlin. But that's not why my heart feels broken... not really, anyways. About a...

curb kicking

I tried. Like, I feel like I tried more than I have in a few years. Dating is toxic. It's the worst thing in the world. And while the stories and poems I get from somewhat captivating encounters is usually alright - I tend to walk away with the whole, "What the fuck was I thinking?" vibe. That's essentially what I have today. My Brooklyn boy has officially been filed away with the rest. When it comes to my box of has-beens, there's nothing...

conclude commission

conclude commission when you cut like you knew this would never work. and i told anyone who would listen to what i had. to say it mattered is like when i woke up when i was asleep i thought of him and none of it was ever close to how i could have been. something finished. as if we ever started.
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