my babies

Yesterday I Skyped with the individual presently minding the puppies in my absence. It made me sad family. Peanut was so sad, she wasn't even sleeping beside the person looking after her - she was down the hallway by herself. Henry is usually in decent spirits if someone is petting him. When the three of us are together, we never separate. They both sleep on my lap when I write. They curl up at the foot of my bed at night. Certain things...

one year. still booking.

I'm going to talk about book more today, dear cult collective. As much as I am nearly blindsided by my present surroundings and scenario, my focus diligently remains in one direction: Book. I am basically in the center of many-a-Writer's wet dream at the moment. Dead smack in the middle of Manhattan. Stunning studio space with views it would take a few lifetimes to write about. Sure, my personal life is fucked... But what better time to get to...

follow me to book

I pieced together a bit of book this weekend Blog Family! I stomped around the woods where I grew up. I cackled with my mother and sisters and yelled at the news with my father. I came across writing books from 2002 and 2003. I would never want to be in a relationship with a Writer. We record everything. I have been back over a month now. I started my new day job September 1st, I moved into the castle October 1st... I really like how December...

dear richard branson. top ten.

Dear Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson My name is Gretchen Cello and you may have seen me hitting you off on Twitter over the past few days. I am writing because I need some aircraft assistance and thought, who better to ask than a ruler of the sky such as yourself. So here's the thing, according to laws of us common-folk, the only way I can get my two puppies from Australia to New York City is to check them as luggage. This involves putting...

just rip my clothes off

I was stressed today and planned on staying that way. However, there were a number of factors attempting to smash my state of strife. There were my girls refilling my vodka in the name of it being Friday. There were friends in foreign countries giggling over the phone at me with irresistible "What?"s But I was determined blog family. I was determined to be negative and crank-like because although earlier in the week I swore I would know what's...
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