ass beating. aka shading (in cuts).

I'm getting my ass beat at the moment blog family. Today was the first day in about three years that I actually felt alright about enduring it. Because I know better now. I love you all and how you hold me down. Unfortunately, this is something I'm stuck going through alone. Although rest assured, the puppies are in my lap at the moment - that helps immensely. So does ink... ... ink is always helpful. Once I bleed all this poetry, books shall...

sit still. slave on.

Continuing on with two jobs, webpage maintenance, puppy entertaining and book writing isn't as easy as it looks. Fortunately I have all of you checking in to keep me on with it. Between the cult and the puppies, most stress is alleviated. I think my last nervous breakdown was significant enough to keep me steadily drifting for a brief period. I do, however, miss New York City every day. Even when it's bucketed in snow... and I'm totally not a...

buried fortune. the puppies are coming too.

The puppies are coming to New York City blog family. I trust this move is approved by our board of Cult. Sure this makes my life just that much more complicated in the long run, but hell, why not make it all a bit more difficult? You see, the puppies found me in Australia and have been looking after me in this foreign land ever since. Fortunately they have other family members and puppy lovers that tend to them during my international...

mapping the cult

Being able to connect with like minded lovelies all across the planet is one of my favorite things about having a webpage. You might notice a new addition to the right hand column as of late reading 'Map of Visitors'. Clicking this link pulls up a world map with little red rubies showing where everyone is checking in from to say Hello (or Ciao or Tag or Bonjour or G'day etc). Being a Writer is hands down one of the most isolated existences...

back in oz

After three flights, four shocking airplane meals and two Augusten Burroughs books I am back in the land of down under! I'm a bit out of sorts and shall spend the rest of the day rolling around with puppies and being very lazy. It is a period of wild readjustment. I am already sourcing out a new writing nook in my present abode, the couch on the front porch is looking sweet... The weight of my energy is going towards completing a novel. Poetry...
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