novel. novella.

I'm backing and forthing with whether to novel or novella. Content isn't the issue, I've got words galore. But as I painfully carry on with the editing process, I'm wondering if I would like to chop chapters down so they slap a bit harder. Don't get me wrong, my book is bite-y as fuck, as is. I don't want there to be too many tangents in it though. I like to fish for emotions from a reader using hard, sharp, short phrasing. Jumping around from...

building sites. holding tight.

I have been ill busy building a new webpage for my job. That actually happened. It launches in an hour, so you can imagine what my weekend has been like banging keys and reading screens. Truth be told, I've learned more about making stuff in Internet land in the past two weeks than I have since launching FollowMeToNYC world in 2009. I'm not sure how I really feel about any of it... but I still dream of prettying this site one day. Also, I...

chapter week. green stuff.

Today is Tuesday and I am resisting dipping into holiday mode because work is wild as always and I kind of need to focus. But next week is chapter week blog family! It is my first full week off in over a year and I'm going to spend the whole thing with my face buried in words aiming to surface with novel. In any event, novel will be closer closer closer. Then I can focus on other important life things, like a sequel for The Carrier. In addition...

back. chapters.

Camping was fun blog family. I think Frankie sprained his leg somewhere in between the mix... he was a bit limpy after prancing through Central Park this morning. That aside... it was a seamless effort. I camped in a shack on eleven acres of nowhere-ville someplace amongst the northern Catskill Mountains. I hiked around barefoot and held marshmallows over open flames until they torched into crispy black gobs of carbon-y goodness. I counted stars...
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