23 to 319 to 1287

My unforeseen four-month dip from life has brought forth all sorts of never expected epiphanies. For example, I've been thinking a lot about what's gotten me to exactly here. I went from a decade in Australia to 36-months state-side to this, essentially - now. Australia is roughly the same size as the continental U.S. And there are 23 million people there, just about. In the States, there's 319 million humans - approximately. Sharing my life...

this internal. dwelling. top ten.

Love to you blog tribe. I'm still internal. Sometimes I like it, sometimes I look around for the nearest sledgehammer to break the crystal globe I've been hibernating in the last few months. It's interesting to reach a point, after maintaining a "blah-g" for so many years, where I've literally retracted for an overwhelming number of reasons. Top 10 Reasons I've Crept Into "Me" 10. The event that happened last April, which I can't talk about,...

back up

Namaste darlings After a few day hiatus where I filed down jagged life pieces, chopped up smooth ones and found ways to click and jab them all back together again... Here I am. I apologize to anyone I frightened and appreciate the love that poured in with phrases like, "Oh my God! Did your site crash?" "Darling, are you ok?" And "I love reading your blog, I hope you're alright." It was the first time in 54 months that I took down my web...

viewing inter

I had a legitimate conversation with someone about work today. Not a "hide from life" situation... a legitimate job. Earlier today, I was on the phone with my best friend of 32 years. We both agreed, ever since I got back to this country three and a half years ago... I haven't been me. We even went a step further to say, whoever I might be was consumed by a stranger I married 12 years ago. It's not easy to run from life like I have. Skipping...

horse getting

Alright blog tribe. I'm hopping back on my horse... I've mentioned a bit about last April here and there, and put shortly - it sent my life reeling. It's resulted where I am right now, tucked snugly in Connecticut and figuring out what's next. There's a pair of lovers in my apartment in Manhattan. They're staying there while I decide where I'll end up next. The farm didn't really go as planned. I got some writing done, I learned about myself. I...
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