and MORE SNOW!!!

Winters where I live in Australia don't get below forty degrees at night... and the days still hit around 70 (say 7 to 24... respectively). As soon as I woke up this morning I booked outside to play in the white fluffy wonderland that last night's weather left behind. It feels like Christmas. I've adjusted to pretty much everything living in Australia. I even say tomato sauce instead of ketchup and can shift with my left hand. However, warm...


Recently there was a fatal accident in my family that involved the abrupt loss of a brilliant life, my Uncle Mark. The day after Thanksgiving he was hit by a car only moments from home. All of my love goes to everyone left behind during this tragic time. I think everyone knows, you can't prepare yourself for things like this. You also can't prepare for the way your soul reacts. Sadness, grieving, and disbelief seem to be common ground for the...

thanksgiving highlights and top 10

My first Thanksgiving in seven years did not disappoint! The only beat factor was the minus four factor which I will make up for with a road trip to MA in the very near feature... yeah road trip! I made a bitchin antipasto, drank south Australian Shiraz, and basically ran a muck (which is what the youngest does at any family function, regardless of our age... particularly when there's fifteen people in your immediate family, we sort of have to)....

ugh UGG

It's not that I have a personal vendetta against UGG Australia or anything. And yes, I can completely appreciate how warm they're keeping everyone's piggies within the breath of winter that is slowly creeping upon us. I simply cannot believe how many bloody pairs of them are stomping around the streets here in the States. My niece and I decided to play 'I spy UGG' when we were waiting for the parade to start on Sunday and we literally counted...

thanksgiving warm up… think peace

Yesterday I went to see a holiday parade in Stamford. Seeing as I haven't done a full 'holiday season' in the states since the year 2000 ... I am all over anything and everything the season brings. Living in another country for as long as I have changes something in you. I don't know what, and I don't really know how. But something changes. Drinking eggnog coffee and eating chocolate biscotti watching a parade with my mom, sister, niece, nephew...
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