out snapping

I'm snapping out of it blog tribe. As a gypsy, minus my parents being 80 miles away - I don't really have chunks of family somewhere. If I didn't have a global cult of love-tribe who check in on me from time to time, it's possible I might be classified a recluse. Not that I'm misanthropic. Clearly not, or I wouldn't fall in love every day, and I certainly wouldn't live in midtown Manhattan. I love many humans, it's just that since my divorce -...

holding me up

Regardless of what part of the planet I reside on... there is always a circle of some sort around me, holding me up. In the instance of New York City, there are two fine gentlemen - one originally from the Bronx, the other from Brooklyn - who have essentially been carrying me around over the past month while I grieved the loss of another (not to mention favorite) love. Love is for suckers. This morning, I was on the phone with one of my boys at...

maestro di crepacuore

Someone told me yesterday that they found my writing to be romantic. My reply was, "I think I'm more of a master of heartbreak..." Maestro di crepacuore. I honestly do believe, after my most recent heart slashing, I'm done. Finnito.  While I appreciate there is quite a particular romance to the utter despair only associated with slaughter of the heart - macellazione cuore - after awhile, I don't think I can take anymore. I feel the worst for...

“i’m pretty, but i’m loco…”

Namaste love family TGIF bitches... this week has been as equally horrible as the preceding. I've been writing a lot of poetry over the past 48 hours. I wouldn't say it's helping, but at least it's distracting. I pride myself on not taking anything that matters to me lightly. The trick is picking what to take on as significant while spending time on the perplexing planet of Earth that we share. Regardless, we all make our own choices. Recently,...

shout out shenzhen

Happy Sunday global love tribe Today I would like to send a special shoutout to Shenzhen, China. While I have not (yet) had the chance to travel to China, it has always been on the list. Particularly when I lived next door in Australia. However, all of my holidays back then involved traveling to New York City (naturally). It's always baffling to explore who on the planet we all co-habitate somehow finds my words in web land. Particularly since I...
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