mood AF. ode to bey.

Tonight, and this weekend in general, I've been like (af)... My sincere apologies for officially becoming the whack blah-ger who isn't here on the daily. It's not that my thoughts and energy aren't excited about rounding out the whole Australia to Manhattan back to Australia circle, girl - it just takes a lot of bloody work. Fortunately, as a light working species on this planet... I totally got this. I spent the St Paddy's holiday weekend...

artist. style.

Throughout the years I've been ranting words in the realm of FollowMeToNYC, Artist and Style have been two significant themes. When I tell people I'm a Writer, it depends on the circumstance as to what type of writing we talk about. From what's happening on Wall Street to whatever grit spilt from my pen that day. As a Writer, I'm always keen to talk about words and expression - what I'm working on or might have read. As an Artist, I've learned,...

here. nor. there.

I'm back in town. The plan was to hide in sticks-ville for my entire out-of-office time... alas, things are always beckoning me back to my favorite girlfriend of Manhattan. I reckon I'll stick around two weeks, then dip back out. The trees and sunshine are suiting me. Also, my heart is bandaged after being diced. Repair isn't the right term. Some things don't exactly heal, getting better is a start. In usual form, I wrote a poem about it. I...
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