what’s written down. what’s thrown away.

As I attempt to get through the anthology, I'm realizing most of what's included is from over the last three years. So where's the rest? Interesting question. I spent many years as a strictly ink Writer. This was actually a silent protest against publishers, critics, and pretty much the rest of the world. You see, it was critical that I wrote for mySelf and no other. I still believe that once you start creating Art for other people instead of as...


Yesterday a poem was pieced together by myself and the most talented Markezz. It is the second piece we've done together... collaborations with other word artists always add such incredible new texture and sound to a piece. Thank you again to Markezz for bringing our new poem to life... the survival of absence while living through gone IF YOU WERE AN EMAIL, I’D SAVE YOU TO MY DRAFT FOLDER, SO THAT THE MESSAGE COULD BE POSTPONED, RETHOUGHT,...
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