My husband is a heroin addicted felon who tried to rob me on our second date. It was love at first sight. Melody Madison has been talking about us again. My sister has a friend who has a friend who drank too much wine last week at Melody’s lake cottage. And they started talking about us all over. “He slept on my couch once. He’s homeless.” “I know things about her, but they are so terrible. I can’t say them out loud.” My husband...
I’m used to doors closing when I’m not supposed to talk anymore. I have six brothers and sisters and as the youngest I know how to take cues. Kind of like when someone puts a pointer finger to their lips to hush you. Only I pay closer attention than that. The first time I went to New York City I was nine years old. My neighbor Hannah was holding my hand and leading the way down fifth avenue. There was a gunshot. Someone yelled something...
Whenever an ambulance arrives at our apartment, it means someone else is dead. One of the old people. Usually over 80. My ears are sensitive to the sound of sirens. I think it’s because of how my parents used to scream at each other. Now that I’m over 30, I usually have a decent control over loud noises. Never sirens. I painted my toes red and blue in middle school once for the fourth of July. Douglas Clark said they reminded him of...
Namaste blog tribe Once upon a time this was "published" in a land that no longer exists, in a galaxy far... far away. Enjoy. One day it will be a book, and what not. I love you. The Wish of a Curse I agree to be hypnotized. I believe going deeper might slow my tapping foot. My left foot is always the first thing to unfold. My face gives nothing away. Tennessee says horrible things about me. She waits to hear the clang of my car door after work...
disregarded sect Gypsy sees road kill and says a Hail Mary. Death depresses her for different reasons than most people. It’s because she knows there’s no such thing. It’s because she knows you’d never believe her. I know you’ll never believe me. Please disregard. Gypsy heard voices far before she was able to pronounce the word schizophrenic. She once read a definition for the term as “mental fragmentation”. That didn’t really...