redbubble and that dude’s trial

I just want to say that I think the whole court issue happening in New York City right now with giving what's his name a trial in Manhattan is ridiculous. It would be nice if the media and government would step off their high horse for five minutes to listen to the general public's reaction. As much as I try to live an 'ignorance is bliss' lifestyle when it comes to atrocities involving psychotic people and politics... things still seep through...

a comedy is born

From time to time I dabble in stand up comedy. I started this back in 2000 studying beneath the most hilarious DF Sweedler who continues to teach the comedy class at Comic Strip Live in Manhattan. If you're thinking about a course... take that one. I've also done comedy in Australia which was interesting because of the different humor. Don't get me wrong, Aussies are a hysterical mob... it just took me some adapting to absorb the British...

my animal friends

I'm a vegetarian. If I had big enough balls I'd go vegan... maybe one day. I don't lecture people on their personal choices because people don't lecture me on mine. But for the record... now might be the perfect time for you to consider the benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle... (tee hee...) It's very important that I have some type of animal friends near at all times. I'm not sure how this came to be about over the years but it's an ingrained...

cool weather and top 10 italian things

As a Yank I'm pretty much a mutt when it comes to background. My Great Grandfather came through Ellis Island so I grew up with a decent bit of Italian influence. Top 10 Things Uniquely Understood by People Raised in local Italian Households 10. Jordan Almonds wrapped in nets at various family functions 9. Luciano Pavoratti 8. Cupboards filled with tinned tomatoes 7. At least one family member with an 'Italians do it better' article of clothing...

veteran’s day and remembrance day

Last week Veteran's Day was observed in the US and Remembrance Day in AUS. Regardless of how anyone personally views war (I'm pro-peace people), I believe love and respect should be sent out to anyone from ANY country all the time. I guess I don't see these particular days as days of grieving who was lost... I actually grieve the fact that war never seems to stop. And that some humans... in certain instances.... are essentially foolish. My...
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