i still fuck with you

some(x) (timez) when we walked these creatures and things kept. moving we swam in salt— water. and (8)ate in be(tween) verses. we did (k)not talk. a— bout; the most remarkable. period of time: getting t(o)wo(o)… MUCH. there. a/our/e functions how no one will ever. as we keep singing. i love saying no— thing.

pairing paroxysm

pairing paroxysm We can Pretend And act Like anyone Else. Ever. Matter(ed) When I am Rocking inside Tides of Not telling That I never Cared. To show This side Of a circle That rounds And comes back; Ties. Into (k)not(s) Which I Rope around My neck. Nodding As if every - Thing remains Fine.

here. nor. there.

I'm back in town. The plan was to hide in sticks-ville for my entire out-of-office time... alas, things are always beckoning me back to my favorite girlfriend of Manhattan. I reckon I'll stick around two weeks, then dip back out. The trees and sunshine are suiting me. Also, my heart is bandaged after being diced. Repair isn't the right term. Some things don't exactly heal, getting better is a start. In usual form, I wrote a poem about it. I...

face kicks. life licks.

The past week-ish hiding in the forest immensely helped my head. The roughly 14 days that led up to this particular stint was head spinning to say the least. A lot of life-culling has been taking place behind the scenes. Regardless of consciously projecting love to whatever's around me at any given time, I keep a small click close. When I'm not deliberately breaking my phone, there's usually about six numbers in it. It's not that I'm...

let me love you

he had these long legs and blue eyes and i immediately complied with a completely. please could you possibly keep me? hold this disheartened heart that holds anything close. that comes with this imperfect perfection. and while i acted like nothing was happening. these me. these w- om(e)an? this complexity of per- haps. like it might have happened. and these keep on going and go- ing… and… let me. love you.
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