estate ascensione

estate ascensione mi ha baciata nel mezzo della notte. ho lampeggiato. aprire. 5 del mattino. all’alba. egli è aromatizzato come Mar Tirreno la balneazione in me mezzanotte. avvolto. midtown. amore. i nostri corpi sono come Chopin dentro chiaro di luna. egli illumina come siamo arrampicata l'un l'altro. in estate. summer ascension he kissed me in the middle of the night. i blinked. open in 5am. daybreak. he tastes like the Tyrrhenian Sea...

Upright Delphic

Upright Delphic Like. I try. To be What something Wants to make Worth. Can you Ever tell me How I am supposed To be. No one knows About us. I smile When I want to scream; I nod. And everyone Else is paying Taxes and eating Meat. I am nothing Outside of fitting In. I only want To be. Out. Be- Cause… mine is Never to be Under Stood.

assure allegiance

assure allegiance when he touched me. i awoke. and my eyes discovered ways to widen and expand. it was like i suddenly became more stretched. i could be. pulled in more directions. a north south east west way of expressing how i reach for him. cut arms. strong thighs. his body wraps me in limbs and whispers. that i should never doubt; my only truth. the one way anyone. broke. through… i opened. to him. wide arms, spread legs moving forward in...

position paragon

position paragon my breath became an opera when he walked through my door. alto exhale soprano. inhale… i bit knuckles and chewed fingers. but. when. i looked at him and his forest eyes. i. explored this place inside nature. where we met. in the first place.

desiderio ansioso

desiderio ansioso come mi ricercato in modi mai diventando il modo in cui Io finalmente… desiderato. volevo in un altro Lingua - era quello che solo due di noi ha parlato. come mi ricercato le sue labbra il suo gusto il suo tocco è come… volevo la musica del nostro movimento. segreto beatitudine. eager yearning how i wanted in ways never becoming the way that i finally… desired. i wanted in another language - it was what only the two of...

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