
I'm going to the library today. I need to figure out what a PhD proposal is and how I'm going to do one. Only in the Arts does one set out to get a PhD as a 'fall back plan' in case nothing else pops. Admissions aren't until October but apparently you're supposed to really sound like you know what you're talking about at that stage, so for me that means a very early start. What tends to attract me to studying so much (other than being a huge...

brisbane and bouncing around

Brisbane smells like frangipanis and jasmine; it tastes like Thai and Indian food; sounds like lorikeets and kookaburras; looks electric green and feels like sunshine. Yesterday afternoon was spent wandering, watching, and (of course) writing about my new sensory reactions to my present place of residence. I stress the 'present place' because I've moved ten times in the past ten years. Someone called me a gypsy once, I wrote a poem about it....

what a ride!

From New York to San Francisco to Sydney to Brisbane... back to Australia I come! I am presently getting past the state of zombie that occurs when I somehow lose a day in the sky and the clock does all sorts of crazy things... hopefully by tomorrow I will adequately catch my breath. I returned to a cloudy sky and the remanence of some recent summer storms lingering in the air. The atmosphere feels sticky and is glowing an electric green unique...

i want to wrap you up & give you kisses

Namaste blog family Seven hours from now a car will arrive to take me into what feels like unknown territory. The next time we gather live it will be from my beloved Australia. Considering the amount of words and ideas and inspiration that being in New York City and in the company of my US tribal members has brought... I can't even imagine what returning to the pieces that construct my other half in AUS will bring. The heaviness that has been...
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