kitty puss & puppies

Now as we all know, my puppy departure was slightly traumatizing. I can't wait to have my face licked in a window of only three days!! Since October, Kitty Puss has been doing a wonderful job at providing soft, fuzzy love in the absence of the puppies. When I first got back to the states he gave me a dirty look in typical cat fashion and ignored me for the first few weeks. Once he decided I was acceptable company, he started doing all those...

on the up

I'm pulled together. I had a few teary days and moderate brain malfunctioning... all sorted. I wonder if people are less emotional than me or just not as blatant about it. Am I a tortured artist? I am aren't I... I spent last night going through the work I've completed since October, there's a lot. It may not be one polished piece like I thought I was after... but four months simply isn't enough time to completely alter my style of doing things....

vodka, lime, and crying…

My best friend is better than most best friends... I'm bias. We grew up five houses apart from each other and have known each other for somewhere in the ballpark of 25 years... so she's more of a fifth sister to me. The two of us couldn't be any more different. At the moment, I'm cashing in hard on our history. Certain things have happened in my life that having someone around to help un-fuzz memories is extremely helpful. I called her up last...

out and about and very inside…

I spent yesterday in New York City. It was my last city stomp during this particular trip. My sister took me to the MoMA where I stood in front of the kind of art that brings tears to your eyes for uncertain reasons that make you appreciate living in a different way. Hopefully one day my work will be affecting people like that. Thought provokable emotional overwhelmingness set off by how I paint our world with words... what more could a girl ask...

fishing, fire, and free verse

Yesterday it was apparently 3 degrees F outside (-16C). Considering that I have been inducted into the clan of bad-ass ice fishers since my attendance at the derby last week... I spent the afternoon once again out on the ice. We had a fire and the boys caught a fish which of course made me sad but he got thrown back right away and seemed to be in somewhat decent spirits considering someone just put a hook through his lip. Isn't it strange how...

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