jersey shore for the record

As we've been over, my entire family reigns from Jersey. My sisters and I are an interesting mix because my mother is of European descent (Italian and Polish) and my father's family traces back to the roots of the States... my grandmother belonged to the Daughters of the American Revolution organization. With a mix of immigrant and revolutionary history... we're about as Yank as they come. Considering that my personal belief is people are all...

i think this part’s important

Alright blog family... it is the official final leg of this particular NYC visit. The excitement of returning to Australia is churning in my belly for many many reasons... too many to list in fact. On that note, it's been some time since we've had a top 10, I reckon one's due! TOP 10 REASONS I'M EXCITED TO RETURN TO AUSTRALIA 10. Summer 9. Being able to get an Aussie beer that isn't Fosters 8. Moving back to Melbourne from Brisbane 7. Getting...

multitudinous enrapture

‘The best part of beauty is that which no pictures express.’ – Bacon multitudinous enrapture The lunar crescent of his smile invites my exploration. Evidence of life. It waxes and wanes with soft silver light, Illuminates features sharp as a knife. Complexity of blue shines from his eyes inventing spectrum shades yet undefined, perhaps once captured by a midnight sky. My gaze addicted to colour refined. He speaks to me in truth and...

we only want you to write this

I wonder if establishing yourself as a Writer means having to be dedicated to one genre. I think in the past I talked about writing under different aliases and how, although it makes sense, it also complicates my life too much. Being 'gretchen' alone takes enough out of me. I've come across a few Writer blogs and it seems like other people are good at defining themselves. There are clear, concise definitions like 'I write romance' or 'I am a YA...

Australia Day & are you sure about this

HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY! Although the festivities have concluded on official Oz time, we're just setting off in my current hemisphere of residence. Aussie Aussie Aussie!!! It's too cold for a barbeque, but I will still fry up a vegetarian sausage for lunch out of respect. Some Aussies might say a vegetarian sausage is very un-Australian of me... but what can I say? ... I'm progressive. Speaking of un-Australian, I read an article yesterday posted on...
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