strength Anthony immediately verified the only facts I knew about my father. “He was born in Egypt. He left your mother before you were born. He was a brilliant Physicist.” He followed up these statements with what I was unaware of. Things I may have not been ready to hear. “Your mother never told him she was pregnant with you. He was in a fatal car accident eleven years ago.” A warmness covered me from head to toe. The lights in the...
the chariot The days between leaving the only job I had ever known and attending the Spiritualist church remain some of my most uncertain. I felt the anger taking over that I had been warned about by teachers, the sadness. I spent a lot of time on top of my apartment building. The alarm meant to sound when the rooftop access door opens never worked. I knew that it wouldn’t from the first day I escaped twenty-seven stories up to see if life...
the lovers After many comfortable years at the restaurant it was time to move on. The husband and wife that owned the establishment had grown to consider me theirs. Tears were shed the day that I left. The decision was difficult to accept. I knew that life would be easier if I stayed, and in a way that was exactly what I wanted. A daily routine of washing, drying, and pondering. Life is constructed of arduous choices. As time went by my...
the hierophant Remember how I said that we find who we are meant? Did you feel that when you first saw me watching you? Do you know how you effect me? Sam taught me about magic. I lived with him for many years before he started telling me things. He silently observed me reading books about the occult and divination. Back then I believed there was something mystical to it. I now apprehend the great difference between the principals of magic and...
the emperor Knowing what to do with it, to me, has sometimes felt like the hardest thing. When I initially arrived in the city, a job and shelter were my two priorities. I stayed in a hostile on the lower east side for two weeks and focussed. Focus is an intense power, learning to control thought and limit distraction. Acute empathy is one our greatest strengths and most dangerous weaknesses. There are shielding mechanisms to protect us from our...