standing at the station

standing at the station It's dark when I wait for the train each morning. Every day there's a man in a fluorescent orange shirt with steel tip boots and long denim shorts who arrives shortly after me. He ritualistically steps to the edge of the platform and turns up toward the textured navy sky. One day I casually glanced in this direction, hoping we might share a secret. As I stepped back with disappointment, he arrived. His toes creep past the...


Dreadlocks The girl smirks with each hair twist tangling her dry tresses to a new life of dreadlocks. She likes the boy that’s doing them - his tattooed calf and headscarf, dreadlocks with many years on the doe getting twisted. She briefly eyes me on arrival. I’m ordering a double espresso and feeling guilty about staining my teeth. The doe checks me out when I sit across from her at a low black coffee table. She pretends not to see me smile...

the driver. piece of a story.

A piece of a piece I am working on... peace and love luscious cult of word junkies! the driver Traveling in a small pack is effective until the show starts, then your three set splits to separate corners and each individual focused on is convinced you’re there alone. They’re convinced you’re their best friend when you say things like ‘That’s that shiz’ and discretely pinch your pointer and thumb to crack a bag with a scent that would...

stage fright at dress rehearsal

Stage fright at dress rehearsal ‘Dancing is something intensely personal,’ she says flicking an amber ash of her third Lucky Strike onto the unfinished floor; exposed foundation. Grey like a December sky in New York City. Dark enough that the burgundy walls seem swallowed in its shadows. Her eyes are spiralling glow-worms, warmed by deep brown locks that fall two-hands past her shoulders and hide the left side of her face... just…...

attire of endearment

He said we were going to Texas; I bought a pair of snakeskin boots. We watched a dusty sun sink into a lake whose name I can’t repeat – because I was distracted by how the gold brown reflection from the sun dipping down swirled in hazel eyes. Like a liquid galaxy holding the time that had passed, that didn’t exist. He told me I was beautiful and emotion moved down me in a way that twisted my insides in circles and knots. We were......

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