serialized fiction #2 (3 of 4)

He wants to say something clever. He’s amazed by how smooth American men can come across. No matter how much American television he watches, he doesn’t think he could ever pull it off. ‘Busy day today?’ he asks Carmen. ‘Quiet I hope. How about you?’ ‘Same as ever you know. Nothing ever happening here.’ Raul is babbling and he knows it. Carmen’s face softens as he continues to rapidly release phrases of no substance. Sounds to...

serialized fiction #2 (2 of 4)

The plan involves Jose and Raul buying a second bodega somewhere downtown to keep the cash flowing back home where their parents and six younger brothers and sisters depend on it. ‘All I said is that she’s nice bro,’ says Raul admiring city lights flickering under a hazy blanket of night sky. ‘She’s a nice girl.’ Carmen loves to smoke although cigarettes make her sick. She prefers Garcia Vega Corona cigars on a budget, and whatever...

serialized fiction #2 (1 of 4)

The last serialized fiction set that I wrote received much love from many. I started to contemplate setting up an area on my page to accommodate a rolling serialized section... then my brains started to complain. So let's have another play and worry about that later... Serialized Piece #2... Carmen feels closer to the two Mexican brothers that own her local bodega than anyone else. Every morning at exactly 6.30a she is eagerly greeted by either...

serialized fiction (part 4 of 4)

I wandered down Brunswick Street past hungry eyes feeding out of café shop fronts. That’s when I saw him sitting on the kerbside. There were suddenly no static utterances. We were driving back from Mum’s house during that horrendous spring storm. The car lost control quicker than he could handle. The wheels screeched like a mother bird watching her eggs swallowed by a hungry snake. Next came the crunch of our roof against asphalt. The third...

serialized fiction (part 3 of 4)

I decide to stop talking. No one ever answers me and time lapses in ways that makes me forget what I ask. In order to justify the progression of my introverting the mother continues to tell people I’m on drugs. Listening to the cork of a second red wine bottle pop, I’d hear her telling her friends that she just didn’t know where to turn. I left the mysterious homestead and woke up in Melbourne. The best part about the city is that...
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