clicks of inspiration

Since kicking off my site just over a year ago, cult members consistently say that I inspire them. I’ve mentioned this in previous posts, and every time a new wave comes through contacting me with conversations like ‘Thank you so much for what you do, following you has renewed my interest in writing,’ I’m left in speechless spins of joy that steer me toward my laptop and get my fingers clicking.

It’s not always as easy as I might be making it look…

In addition to being inspired by the love I receive from readers, I am inspired by the wild talent and gold hearts of tribal members I am connecting with along the way. One of my most favorites in this pack, Mr. Daniel McDermott of Bananafish Magazine sent me some recent waves of inspiration in the form of a zero dollar check and bag of gummy bears to initiate my coming on board to assist with the poetry side of his magazine… how hot is that?

Over the past ten days in the city I have encountered people in parks and on sidewalks where we literally stop whatever we’re doing to approach each other with a cocked head and ‘I swear I know you from somewhere’ type of hello before proceeding to catch up like childhood playmates who lost touch for too long.

These are the scenarios that keep my head screwed on while I’m staring at a glowing screen with the mantra ‘keep at it keep at it keep at it’ chanting in the back of my mind.

I don’t think I could possibly be in the thick of what I believe I’m meant to be doing any greater than I am at this moment. That can be a bit scary blog family…

So once again I thank each of you all over the world for inspiring me to keep on with it. Here’s to another day.

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