food. candles. peanut.

Namaste blog tribe

IMG_3398I got in a huge fight with one of my sisters last week and we aren’t going to talk anymore. I was upset about it, which is why I dipped out of Internetville for a few days.

What’s really stupid is she’ll read this post and complain about it to her “friends”, but she won’t call to me to apologize. I guess this is one of the downsizes of our digital age.

I digress. And besides, since ending up on my shrink’s couch again a few weeks ago – I’m trying to focus less on things I have no control over, which is mainly people who act like wankers, and more on the happy things in life – like my dog and good food.IMG_3371

Therefore , I’ve been focussing on pleasing Peanut. I bought her a pink frisbee which quickly claimed first spot of favorite toys. I realize still I haven’t really recovered from losing Henry too soon – but I’m trying.

I cooked a lot of delicious things this week, like I do when all else fails. I hid in dark corners of New York City lounges and beat keys on my notebook.

The book is coming along… oh… it’s coming.

The weather finally warmed up enough to rock a spring dress one day last week. Here in New York, we’re anxiously awaiting some signs of global warming after six months of shit-house winter.

I’m betting on sunny days soon. I think my brain has been adequately shaping a few.


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