happy friday the 13th to all the spooky fuckers!

It’s 2.30 in the morning Melbourne time… FRIDAY THE 13TH! Not that I’m superstitious, but I do reckon the cult’s a bit spooky. So watch out for werewolves! Unless that’s your thing… in which instance why wait for Friday the 13th?

A piece from the spookiest band in Australia! Meet Graveyard Train (and yes, that is a mummy riding shoulders in the crowd…)

I saw them last Friday at HiFi and they’re presently touring the EAST COAST. Get there!

Writing, words, and thinking have my sleeping patterns dipping and rising, circling left. This week, in fact, has been a somewhat dreamy walk where there were days and nights, sunshine and rain, laughter, silence…etc.

I go through periods of fierce introspection that sometimes frustrate people that don’t know me very well. And trust me blog family, I’m not a very easy person to know.

introspection | intr spek sh n|
the examination or observation of one’s own mental and emotional processes : quiet introspection can be extremely valuable.

On the plus side, I’m writing a lot. I’m sick of not having a book-book out. My poetry volumes are great for people who actually care about that side of my work, but I’m happy to whack out a best seller and get on with it already.



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