For the past eight years in Australia I’ve tried to explain the deal behind Thanksgiving and usually come100_1547 across thick tongued with words that sound like ‘ummm… pilgrims… native americans… food?’

To me, Thanksgiving is about family… because that’s the tradition I was raised with. And yes, it’s about giving thanks. Considering the bleak history and mistreatment of the Native American people, I don’t really feel right referring to certain historical 100_1569happenings as a reason to ‘give thanks’ … because somewhere down the track, it got very ugly.

Therefore Thanksgiving, to me, is about just that… giving thanks. I’m thankful for being home for the first time in nearly a decade to eat way too much food and watch the Macy’s Day Parade with my 100_1556family. I’m even thankful for all the shit I’m going to cop from my sisters for eating Tofurky… because let’s face it… what are siblings for?

The only somewhat scary thing about Thanksgiving is that it reminds me of how time is flying. I’m working every day… usually eight to eight… but the countdown is ticking quickly.

So this year… I’m thankful for the shot I’ve got at trying to set myself up in a line of work that allows me the freedom to travel freely between the people I love… people that happen to be as far apart geographically as the planet permits.

And I am very thankful for Tofurky.100_1593

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