just finish detoxing before you get here

Exactly four weeks until it’s back to Australia. Chatting to my good mate Botchy yesterday, who is likely to end up with a tag once I swap continents… Part of our conversation sounded like this:

‘Dude. I’m detoxing.’

‘As long as you aren’t detoxing when you get back…’

I haven’t seen my Aussie tribe since October. It is the middle of the summer there at the moment. Speaking from experience coming home for Christmas, I must say that the shock of leaving a season you’re residing within and getting dropped directly into the opposite one is an amazing experience.

My bikini is packed… Snow is quite nostalgic when you’ve never seen it before. The only reason I’m grateful for the weather I’m in at the moment is that it keeps me locked inside… although I did buy a snowsuit for when I simply can’t take being cooped up anymore. Bring on the SUMMER!!

flashback glasses

Unknown remains for reasons. Her red eyes
clue that she isn’t telling. Quiet ink;
a dilated spiling. Focussed tries
forgetting. Happenings disappear. Blink.
Eyes that once watched her sleeping. Obstructed
view. Awake during summer past midnight,
one small world becoming reconstructed.
Soaring again. She is a cut string kite.
Against blue sky. Her colours, primary.
Unscrewed jar tops releasing fireflies,
a certain beauty – not meant to carry.
When it’s impossible containing size.
Some mysteries like life, not meant to solve.
We accept. What’s unknown. Our soul evolves.

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