learning things. let’s all read.

Namaste blog tribe

IMG_1079My current position involves reading financial statements, which are complicated. If you’ve never tried to read one, I encourage you to do so.

I think a lot of humans around the world are so jaded by how global economies consumed the planet years back, they choose to turn a cheek to such information. I know I did for a minute there. Alas, now that I am back in New York City, it suddenly consumes me every day.

It’s unfortunate how utterly complex financial institutions and the associated legislation have become. The word “un-evolution” should be invented just to describe this. Over regulation is just another way to make it harder to find buried corruption. The international trend is to call everything transparent and hope that if you use that word enough times, someone will believe you.

I’m pretty amazed by what I’ve learned over the past 20 months. Before that, I never looked at a financial statement in my life. Besides an ATM receipt reminding me I’m broke or an insanely long docket for buying a pack of chewy.

Sometimes I think I’ll run for office. Once I rule the world and how children are educated, I will have financial statement reading taught in every mathematics program in the land. I realize it’s not everyone’s gig. But most people pay a tax of some sort. Federal taxes are particularly interesting to review. Also, I plan to take advantage of this knowledge when I try to reason with Zipcar during their next earnings call.

When I came back from Australia, I didn’t expect to learn finance. I’m glad that I have, it makes me understand a lot about this country. And I have to say, leaving for ten years and being back for just over two now fully changed me. Leaving was a good idea, even if my heart was ripped out and sacrificed as a trade-off.

Make sure you learn something new today.

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